[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=\”1905\”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Pilates exercise is not just for women,\” said Jim Robert\’s and Kyle Murray, co-owners of an all men\’s mind-body fitness studio. Their mission is to help break the stigma that Pilates is a women\’s exercise. The reason being is that men have just as much to gain as women and then some, when using the Pilates approach to a healthier mind and body.
Providing a comfortable atmosphere for the guys to not have to worry about comparing their own flexibility levels to their female counterparts is a big part of removing those barriers to being open to the idea. The vision is that men are ready for this and are far more open than we give them credit for. It’s a space where men can share and achieve similar goals.
One guy asked \”Do we have to call it Pilates?\” Actually, Joseph Pilates was the founder of this method that originated during WW1 in the pursuit of rehabilitating bedridden soldiers. He was a German-born circus performer, boxer, wrestler and gymnast. In the 1930s he moved to New York where he started helping different types of people reach their goals including professional dancers and athletes. His method is centered on improving life-style, posture and breathing. Pilates used to be called \”contrology.\” It\’s about the mind having control over the body and not the reverse. At Pilates Fusion for men, \”we honor the original teachings of Joseph Pilates\” while implementing modern exercise science.
Jim and Kyle are Stott trained in the Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Barrel repertoires. The equipment, machines and apparatuses are also Stott-made and are internationally known as the best. The teacher training is the most accepted method by the medical community and Stott Pilates uses an ongoing collaboration with physiotherapists to help further the understanding of the body and its movement patterns.
“I will have every macho guy shaking in any one of my classes,” Kyle says. “We use proper techniques to activate the deep primary mobilizers and stabilizers while focusing on myofascial chains that determine movement patterns. Activating the small postural muscles in unison with the bigger muscle groups is the key to preventing injury and gaining profound strength. The results are amazing in how my clients feel and perform both in and out of class.\”
Jim adds, \”It is the quality in our work that builds a trust with our clients as their progressions have no limitation to them and therefore keeps our clients coming back. When you\’re dealing with Mind-Body Fitness there is a discovery that the mind can heal the body. It is all attitude!\”
Furthermore, Stott Pilates is a highly corrective, restorative, low-impact form of exercise that is Rehabilitative by nature.
The Location of the new Men\’s Mind Body Fitness studio is 78 Dongani, Pointe Claire H9R 2V4 contact Jim Roberts at 514-770-3799 or Kyle Murray at 438-889-5953 or at realmendopilates@gmail.com
Written by Christine Clark, founder of Pilates Fusion[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]